Whenever you are faced with the need to travel for an extended period of time, ensuring that your pet will be kept safe and comfortable while you are away can be a challenge. This is particularly true for those that may not have friends or family that they consider trustworthy enough to watch their pet. Luckily, boarding services can meet this need, and if you are worried about stressing your pet while it is boarded, there are several simple steps that can be followed to reduce the shock and stress of staying at the boarding facility.
Provide Comforting Items For Your Dog
One of the most stressful aspects of the boarding process is that your animal will be in an entirely new environment. Pets are creatures of routine and familiarity, which can lead to this sudden change triggering a stress response. Providing your pet with a few small comforting items may help with this source of stress. Common examples of these items may be a favorite toy or blanket along with the pet's preferred treats.
Consider Whether Your Dog Needs To Be Kept Separated From Other Dogs
While many dogs are extremely social animals, there are others that may have trouble getting along with other animals. Whether this is due to the animal being somewhat aggressive or anxious around other dogs, it may be best for these animals to be kept separated from other dogs while being boarded. This is particularly important for boarding facilities that have a central play area for the dogs. For pets that have these issues, the boarding facility will work to give these pets time alone in the recreational area.
Stay With Your Animal For A Few Minutes
Separation anxiety is another of the main problems that a pet may experience while being boarded. This is especially common when the pet may not have spent much away from their owner. Some pets may have separation anxiety serious enough to warrant having medication prescribed by the veterinarian. If your pet needs these anxiety medications, the boarding facility will need to receive a copy of the dosage instructions to ensure they are correctly administering these medications to the animal. When it comes time to leave your animal at the boarding facility, it can be worthwhile to spend a few minutes reassuring the animal. This can help the dog to feel safe in the new building so that any anxiety may be mitigated.
Visit a site like https://www.aocb.com/ for more help.