If you're getting ready to travel, whether for vacation or work, you may find yourself in need of care for your cat. There are many different boarding opportunities that you can consider, but if this is your first time boarding your pet, you may not know where to start to get ready. Here are a few tips to help ensure that your cat is ready for their first trip to the boarding facility.
Health Considerations
Before you board your cat, you need to be sure that they are up-to-date on vaccinations. Most every boarding facility you work with will require proof of at least their most recent rabies vaccine and the feline distemper vaccine (also called FCRVP). These are important to help prevent the spread of disease in boarding centers where there are often a lot of animals.
If your cat is on any medications, make sure that you have those as well. You'll want your cat's veterinary records and the contact information for their vet, just in case anything should happen or there are any questions about medications or illness.
Comfort Items
If your cat has a favorite food, or one that is the only one they'll eat, make sure you pack plenty of it for their stay. Otherwise, your cat will be fed whatever the boarding center uses for the cats who are onsite. If there are any concerns with food allergies, make sure they know that as well.
One way to help your cat feel more comfortable during their stay is to bring along some of their favorite things. Grab a couple of your kitty's favorite toys, a favorite blanket or bedding item, and even one of your shirts that has your scent on it. These things will provide some soothing comfort to your cat as they adjust to unfamiliar surroundings.
Unique-To-Your-Pet Facts
You know your cat better than anyone, and you probably meet his or her preferences and needs without even giving it a second thought. At a boarding center, they won't know your cat the way that you do. Take some time to make a brief list of some things that are unique to your cat. For example, make a note of any preferences or routines that your cat has in terms of eating and play. Keeping their schedule as consistent as possible will make the adjustment easier.
You should also note anything you can think of about your cat's personality. Are they skittish? Will they lash out if someone moves too quickly toward them? Anything that makes your cat upset, or even things that make them happy, are important to note. If you know how your cat interacts with other animals, make a note of that, too.
Contact a facility, like Animal Care Center of Forest Park, to get started.